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15 Foods to Boost Your Immunity


Due to increasing cases of COVID-19, the entire world is fighting and suffering together. the sole due to fight this pandemic is to wish precautions and most importantly build strong immunity . you'll have to strengthen your body and immune system to repel diseases. Keep your body's soldiers fit and prepared by eating foods which can certainly give your system a lift .

we will tell you the sole foods to spice up your system and keep you protected during these covid times. From tomatoes, tea , oysters, spinach to kiwi and more.


This spice is kind of just a delicious kick to your next dinner. It contains a strong anti-inflammatory compound called curcumin. This is the  compound that provides turmeric its  vibrant orange-yellow color. consistent with a study, curcumin activates the assembly of T-cells, which are the foremost cells fighting for your health in your system . 


 Tomatoes are one of the most advantageous food to eat when you're sick due to their high concentration of vitamin C . A medium tomato contains quite 16 milligrams of vitamin C , which is fuel to your body's system . during a study, vitamin C was shown to be an important a neighborhood of the body's t-cells. a big component of the system . The researchers also noticed that a deficiency due to the l nutrition can cause a weaker immune system and lower resistance to certain pathogens which may cause illness.

3.Wild Salmon:


 Wild salmon is amazing source of zinc, a nutrient that has been proven to scale back cold symptoms. A study examined the results of zinc on the cold in children ages one to 10. Researchers found that zinc, as compared to a placebo, significantly reduced the severity and duration of symptoms when taken within 24 hours of the onset of cold symptoms.



Papaya can provide you almost double of vitamin C that you need in a day  in one fruit. Though you're likely to eat a couple of of slices on a salad or during a smoothie. An enzyme called papain is also present in it  that has anti-inflammatory effects. And inflammation is one believe illnesses, so avoiding it can help your body repel bacterial infections like sinusitis. It also contains potassium, vitamin B, and folate, which may be a robust cell rebuilder. folks that are folate-deficient have compromised immune systems. Folate or vitamin B9 could even be a superb vitamin to stay your cells healthy and powerful . the recommendation is 400 micrograms a day , or catch on from legumes, spinach, papayas, and avocados.

5.Green Tea: 


tea isn't only one among our recommended best teas for weight loss, but it's also one among the sole sources for strengthening the system .Flavonoids, an antioxidant presents in it reinforces immunity, plus it's anti-inflammatory properties. according to a study, the antioxidant caffeine, which is heavily prevalent in tea , is understood to be a robust antibacterial and antiviral. it's been shown to exterminate bacteria and influenza virus.



Mushrooms are amazing source for enhancing your immunity, consistent with a study. Research suggests that participants who ate shiitake mushrooms every day for four weeks had a huge increase in numbers and strength of immunity-boosting T-cells. They also noticed a discount in inflammatory-inducing proteins, proving that shiitake mushrooms also act as an anti-inflammatory agent.

7.Low Fat Yogurt:

 An adults should eat 3 servings of dairy products per day. Per 8 ounce serving yogurt provides 11 grams of protein with 250 calories and almost 400 milligrams of calcium . It also can help meet your daily requirement for vitamin B12 , vitamin D , and vitamin B2 . Adequate levels of vitamin D is significant for robust immune function. Yogurt is rich in certain probiotics that boost immune function and can even help reduce both the length and severity of colds. Beneficial gut flora are needed for correct digestion, detoxification, and stronger immunity. Probiotics can even help reduce eczema symptoms in babies.



Spinach is an amazing sourceof folate, vitamin A, vitamin C , fiber, magnesium, and iron. The nutrients in it boost immune function and provide your body with necessary nutrients for cellular division and DNA repair. you'll reap maximum benefits from spinach by eating it raw or lightly cooked to preserve nutrients.

9.Sweet Potatoes: 


Sweet potatoes are one of the top sources of beta carotene, a precursor to vitamin A . This nutrient aids your system by helping to provide white blood cells, which repel bacteria and viruses. It also helps form the mucous membranes that line the tract , which acts as a protective barrier to stay germs out of your body. A baked sweet potato can fulfill the daily need of vitamin A in our body . you'll top a baked sweet potato with nuts or seeds for a healthy snack.



Research lends credibility to garlic’s immune supporting capabilities. In one study, volunteers were randomly assigned to receive either a placebo or a garlic supplement daily for 12 weeks throughout the cold season. The garlic group experienced significantly fewer colds compared to the placebo group, which they recovered faster if they did get infected. Further research has confirmed that aged garlic extract may enhance immune cell function. Reach for fresh garlic cloves instead of a supplement. Add it to cooked veggies, soup, or broth. the advantages of Garlic aren't just restricted to increasing immunity. There are plenty other reasons why it’s good for your body and why you need to make it a neighborhood of your daily diet. to understand what they're , watch this video titled “Eat Garlic every day And this might Happen To Your Body” Now back to the sole immunity boosting foods during COVID 19.



  The vitamin E in almonds will help bar colds and flu and is critical to your system humming along. It’s a fat-soluble molecule, meaning it requires the presence of fat to be absorbed. A half-cup serving, or 46 whole, shelled almonds, provides almost 100% of your RDA of vitamin E . they're great for you but they're doing not accompany a free pass, since 1/4 cup serving has 162 calories. so as that they accompany an important price in calories. Throw them into smoothies instead.



Kiwi is one of the best source of vitamin C , vitamin K, potassium, and folate in abundance. vitamin C could even be a potent antioxidant that helps fight free radicals and stop cell damage. It also helps in boosting the assembly of white blood cells that fight infections. you'll eat kiwi on every day to day . The fruit contains tiny seeds that are edible and full of nutrients also . you'll simply eat it alone, put it in salad , or make a smoothie out of it – the alternatives are endless.

13.Sunflower seeds:


 Sunflower seeds are complete package of nutrients and minerals, including vitamin E , vitamin B-6, magnesium, and phosphorus. vitamin E is taken into account a potent antioxidant that's beneficial for the immune system’s health. the sole part is that it also enhances the flavour of the food you're preparing, because of its spicy punch. you'll add sunflower seeds to your salads, soups and seasoning of certain foods like chicken, for sautéing.

14.Citrus Fruits:


 Citrus fruits like lemons, oranges, limes, grapefruit, and tangerines, among others, are crammed with vitamin C that helps in boosting the assembly of white blood cells within the body. White blood cells are essential in fighting diseases and infections. It also helps in removing free radicals from the body, preventing cell damage, which ultimately reduces your chances of cancer.



 When you’re sick and you reach for soup , it’s quite just the consequence that creates you are feeling better. The soup may help lower inflammation, which could improve symptoms of a chilly . Poultry, like chicken and turkey, is high in vitamin B-6. About 3 ounces of sunshine turkey or chicken meat contains nearly one-third of your daily recommended amount of B-6. Vitamin B-6 could also be an important player in many of the chemical reactions that happen within the body. It’s also vital to the formation of latest and healthy red blood cells. Stock or broth made by boiling chicken bones contains gelatin, and other nutrients helpful for gut healing and immunity. While eating the proper stuff can definitely boost your immunity, you don’t need to rely just on foods for a stronger system .


How would you rate your immune system? do i buy sick easily? allow us to understand within the comments section below!



Health Benefits of Maize


                                    Health Benefits of Maize

 People take the taste of maize in various forms like kiln, flour, corn starch, corn syrup, popcorn and corn flakes. For most of the people no movie can be imagined without popcorn. Apart from gathering taste, maize is a good source of vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber.

 The word maize is used for Indian corn but for other countries it is well known by corn.

Nutritional value per 100 g 

Energy                               342 cal.

Carbohydrates                   18.7 g

Starch                                 5.7 g

Sugars                                6.26 g

Dietary fiber                       2 g

Fat                                      1.35 g

Protein                               3.27 g


Thiamine (B1)                   0.155 mg

Riboflavin (B2)                 0.055 mg

Niacin (B3)                        1.77 mg

Pantothenic acid (B5)      0.717 mg

Vitamin B6                        0.093 mg

Vitamin C                          6.8 mg

                Trace minerals

Iron                                   0.52 mg

Magnesium                       37 mg

Manganese                       0.163 mg

Phosphorus                      89 mg

Potassium                        270 mg

Zinc                                 0.46 mg

Let's know about some health benefits of maize:

  •     High amount of fiber present in maize protects us from digestive system diseases like constipation and piles.


    ·       Maize also provides relief in diarrhea. In this way, it prevents irritable bowel syndrome and diarrhea.


    ·       Friendly bacteria develop in our intestines with maize. These bacteria convert it into fatty acids. These can supply energy to fatty intestinal cells and thus reduce the risk of colon cancer.


    ·       Maize is an excellent source of calories. It has 342 calories per 100 grams. Therefore it is very important for living in farming countries.


    ·       Maize is a rich source of vitamin B such as thiamine and niacin. Thiamine is essential for the health and cognitive functioning of the nerves. It is also a rich source of pantothenic acid, which provides the bulk of the carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolism requirements in our body.


    Vitamin B-12 and folic acid present in maize prevent anemia. Maize contains minerals like phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, iron and copper.


    ·       Yellow maize is one the good source of beta carotene (a precursor of vitamin A) Which keeps our skin, immune system, and eye healthy.


    ·       There are plenty of sources that make vitamin A in the body. It is very important for good eyesight and skin. These antioxidants neutralize free radicals and prevent Alzheimer's disease.


    ·       Corn oil (maize oil) contains poly unsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids which reduce the risk of cholesterol in the blood and protect the heart and blood vessels. Therefore, a diet rich in corn oil has many beneficial effects.



    ·       Corn starch is used in the manufacture of many cosmetics. It provides relief from scratches and scabies on the skin.


    ·       Corn silk is diuretic. It is helpful in treating urinary tract and bladder inflammation. It is used in adults to prevent and treat kidney stones. It is made from silk loaf containing tea.


    ·       a round lump of maize is roasted, its powder is made and mixed with kernel oil to cure piles.


    ·       Photo nutrients present in maize as antioxidant, and protecting us from deadly diseases like cancer.







how to lose body fat?

  Before knowing how to reduce body fat and obesity let's have some details about obesity Obesity is a medical conditions involving an abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that present a negative effect on health. Obesity is defined as having a body mass index (BMI) of 30 kg /m2 or more. The range 25-30kg/m2 is defined as overnight. A body mass index is a measurement obtained by dividing a person's weight by the square of the person height.

Obesity is further evaluated in terms of fat distribution around the waist (waist circumference).Men with a waist measurement of 94 cm or more and women with a waist measurement of 80 cm or more are more likely to develop obesity related health problems. Obesity is a chronic

medical conditions that increase your risk of disease and health problem particularly certain types of cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, osteoarthritis, infertility, irregular periods,non-alcoholic fatty liver.

Obesity can also affect your quality of life and lead to psychological problems such as depression, low self, shame, guilty and social isolation. Obesity is more common in women than in men. Obesity is a leading preventable cause of death worldwide with increasing rate in children and adults. In 2015 the estimate shows that 600 million adults and 100 million children were obese in 195 countries.

      !!!COVID-19 : Obesity may risky for health (affects your immune system) !!!! 

Causes of obesity

1.Obesity is caused by eating more calories than you burn through exercise

and   normal daily activities. As a result your body stores these excess

calories as fat. Common specific causes of obesity include In activity

having a sedentary lifestyle.


2. Unhealthy eating such as eating a poor diet of foods high in calories.


3. Lack of sleep this can lead to hormonal changes that can increase your


4. Genetics can play a rold in how your body converts food into energy and

how  your body burns calories during excersise.


5. Pregnancy sometimes weight gained during pregnancy may be hard

  to lose

eventually leading to obesity.


6.  Aging which can lead to a decrease in the amount of muscle in your body.

This decreased muscle mass less and slower metabolic rate making it easier

to gain   weight.


7.   Certain medication may cause weight gain or changes in the body composition,

such as insulin, antidepression, steriods and some form of hormonal



8.   Obesity cam sometimes be caused by sone certain medical conditions

such as -


- Polycystic ovary syndrome

- Prader -willi syndrome

- Cushing syndrome

- Hypothyroidism.

Major Symptoms of obesity

The symptoms of obesity is having a BMI of 30 or more. Obesity can be

categorized as-

BMI of 30.0 obese(class1)

BMI of 35.0-39.9 obese (class2)

BMI of 40.0 higher obese (class3)


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If your BMI falls in the obesity range ths doctor will review your family and health

history performance general physical examination recommended some tests.

The general physical examination may include checking vital signs such as heart

rate, blood pressure and temperature. The doctor will also check for other possible

obesity related problems.


Blood tests may be used to examine.

- Cholesterol and glucose level

- Liver function tests

- Diabetes screen

-Thyroid test.

All this information will help the doctor to determine how much weight you need to

lose and what health conditions or risks you already have.



The aim of treatment is to help you lose weight and maintain a healthy weight the

require changes in your eating habits and an increased physical activity.

Treatment options suitable for you depends on your level of obesity overall health

and your preference. Other treatment tools include.

- Behavior changes

- Weight loss surgery

-Dietary changes

- Exercise and activity

- Weight loss medication



1. Do regular physical exercise daily. Encourage children to eat only when

hungry and to eat slowly.

2 . Encourage children to drink water rather beverages with added sugar.

These include soft drink, sports, drinks and fruit juice.

3.  Eat whole grain food such as rice and whole wheat bread do not eat

highly processed food made with refined white sugar, flour etc.

4.  Don't eat food that are high energy density or that have a lot of calories

in a small amount of food.

5.   If you eat more calories than you burn you will gain weight . Weight

yourself on a weakly basis.

6.  Eat fresh fruits and vegetables do not eat more junk food like pizza,

momo's, burger it can cause large amount of obesity.




Is eating fish good for health or not?


Fish is very good for mind, heart,  brain and health. Eating fish is very good for health. Fish contain low fat, and due to the presence of many protein omega 3 fatty acid is very beneficial for human health.  Various types of vitamin, mineral preparation and many kinds of elements are found in fish.

 Everyone likes to eat fish but very few people know   that what benefits can we get from eating fish. Many people think that eating fish makes our hair or our eyes good. But you will be surprised to know that it has many benefits which you may not get in any other food items.


Nutritional value

Calories          -          280g

Fat                   -        12.5g

Sodium           -         86mg

Carbohydrate -         0g

Fiber                -         0g

Sugar              -         0g

Protein            -        39.2g


Benefits of eating fish.


1. Avoid cancer

People who consume fish regularly have a lower risk of cancer. Fish contain a lot of omega 3 fatty acid which protect against cancer. 

Eating fish does not cause breast or prostrate cancer. If you are fond of eating vegetarian, then use fish in your diet.


2. Boosting our memory

 Helps speed up the brain   that is what you want if your childs brain is fast then start feeding him fish.  The elements present in the fish serves to intensify the brain. Fatty acid present in fish stimulates the brain,  and  enhances the memory. Many cells of the brain are also formed from the proteins present in it.


3.Iodine and cholesterol 

in fish  iodine also found which helps to fulfilled iodine deficiency in our body and the low fat in fish which does not flood cholesterol in our body.


4. Blood pressure prevention.

If you have a complain of  high blood pressure then you  should start eating fish after skipping the non- vegetarian diet because the fish is low fat due to which the amount of blood pressure in the body does not increase much.


5. Relief skin and hair problem.

Freedom from skin and hair problem along with this fish is beneficial for your hair and skin because of its use your skin improves and the hair is also soft and shinny.

Fish also contain omega 3 which keeps you away from tension and depression.


Benefits of fish oil

For some people who do not eat fish,  fish oil pills are like boon but fish are found in many species from which oil is obtained such as (Michael, Tuna etc) are the main species.

According to research omega 3 is found in fish oil but due to this sadness,  fatigue, stress but overall it makes your brain strong.


Fish oil is very beneficial in heart disease but the omega 3 available in fish oil keeps it from healthy but it reduces the cholesterol level in the heart and increases HDL in this way fish oil is consumed so you can avoid heart disease.

If you have swollen feet apply fish oil to reduce swelling there. If you have wrinkles on your skin then use fish oil.

EPA acid is found in fish oil which contain fatty acid it directly related from the beauty of the skin it proves useful in many skin disease like scars,  itching etc.

omega 3 fatty acid are found in fish like tuna,  sehwal. Fish oil is used to fill this acid deficiency in the body fish oil contain vitamin A and vitamin D which is beneficial for our body.


Top 10 Indian fish names

1. Indian salmon

2. Bengal carp

3. Carpo fish

4. Indian Mackel

5. Pink perch

6. King fish

7. Pomfret fish

8. Indian shap

9. Crab

10. Prawns


Which fish should not be eaten

Eating fish is good for health but by cinsuming some fish you will have to face many disease problem. Therefore before consuming know what is the constituent elements and it is save to eat here. Because some fish are harmful to health like (catfish, tuna, pangaceous etc).


1. Consuming cat fish is harmful.

Because fish farmers feed them  harmons which are not good for the human body it contains high amounts of PCB fat and other pollutants.


2.Tuna fish

Tuna is very important in fish because it eats fish contaminated with water so the risk of human heart disease is very strong.


3. Pangasias

Many pollutants including are high in the panaceous and pangasias fish so this fish should not be consumed.


Disadvantage of eating fish

Fish is very beneficial in eating but it contains some ingredients which are beneficial for health ( protein,  omega 3 fatty acid ).  Despite having so many benefit in it it also has some disadvantage.


1. Consuming fish in the rain can damage your health due to this the body start  becoming damage .


2.keeping the fish for more days it spoil the fish preservative is taken to keep the fish true for longer and prevent germs.


3. Risk of water pollution due to the service of fish furring the rainy season there is a risk of disease like ( Typhoid,  polio etc).


4. In the rainy season both the sea and the pond are more likely to be dirty. And if you are eating fish at that time then the fish is very harmful for you.


5. Do not drink after consuming fish drinking milk after consuming fish drinking milk after fish can cause white spot on your skin.


6.Fish is harmful for pregnant women. Fish should be consumed in proper quantity here the nervous system of the children is strong in development. Therefore consumed fish in limited quantity.



11 amazing benefits of orange

Orange is a very tasty and aromatic fruit.  Oranges are rich in nutrients like Vitamin C, iron, potassium, fructose, riboflavin, magnesium, and dextrose.  Oranges have the highest amount of vitamin C.  Here our immunity power has increased rapidly.  Orange works to enhance your health as well as your beauty.  The fragrance of orange is very good and its peel is also very useful for our body.  The best thing about oranges is that in this  fructose, detrose minerals, and vitamins provide energy as soon as they reach the body.  By consuming orange, our body remains healthy and our body gets healthy also protects us from physical and mental diseases.

 Nutritional value (Amount per 100 gm Calories 47)

 Carbohydrates                            11.54 g 
 Fat                                              0.21 g 
Protein                                         0.70 g 
Thiamine (vitamin .B1)               0.100 mg 0.
 Riboflavin (Vitamin. B2)           0.040mg                  
Niacin (Vitamin B3)                    0.400mg
Potothainin (Vitamin B3)             0.250mg
Folate (Vitamin B9)                     17 g     
Vitamin C                                      45 mg       
Calcium                                        43 mg          
Iron                                              0.09 mg                
Magnesium                                 10 mg      
Phosphorus                                  12 mg     
Potassium                                    169 mg      

Benefits of eating oranges.

 1. Relieving cold cold.
 Eating oranges during a cold is very beneficial.  Because it is high in vitamin C.  This vitamin C also cures diseases like colds and sneeze, which cause cold fever, they should consume oranges regularly.

2. Beneficial in improving blood pressure.
 Orange helps improve blood pressure.  Hosbridin and magnesium present in this fruit are helpful in controlling hypertension.  Therefore, people who have problems with blood pressure should include this fruit in their diet.

 3. Protection against problems like cancer.
 it helps in the prevention of cancer. Limonins present in it are cancer cells.  It does not allow them to flow.  By eating this fruit you do not have problems of liver and breast cancer.

 4. Beneficial for heart diseases.  
It is beneficial for your heart, the fiber, vitamins, C potassium, found in this fruit are very beneficial for our heart.  Those who have any problem from the heart, those people must take it.

5. Beneficial in constipation problem.
 occurs with many people, they have constipation problem.  So to end this problem, those people take many types of medicines.  But very few people know that you can avoid consuming oranges in this disease, here it removes your problem like constipation.

  6. Beneficial to the eyes
 It is beneficial in increasing your eyesight.  Because the amount of vitamin A in oranges is good, it is also the source of vitamin B complex which increases the amount of hemoglobin.

  7. Beneficial in increasing immunity power.
  It also strengthens your immune system.  If you want to increase your immune system, your body does not have the capacity to fight diseases, then you must take orange, it increases your capacity and provides energy in the body.

8. Help relieve fatigue.
 When you get tired very quickly.  So you consume oranges or provides energy in your body and keeps your body healthy and healthy.

 9. It also relieves depression.
  If a person is suffering from depression then he should consume orange or it reduces the problem like depression.

10. Remove stomach related problems.
People who have stomach problems like gas.  Orange cleans your stomach so that you get rid of this problem.

11. Beneficial in stone problem.
 It is very beneficial for kidney and orange is also very beneficial for kidney stones.  Eating oranges can also prevent this stone.

          ADDITIONAL BENEFIT                                                                                                               

Beneficial in eliminating the problem of Piles ( haemorrhoids ) 
Dry orange peel and make powder of it. Drink it daily with lukewarm water.  So the problem of Piles ( haemorrhoids ) is overcome.

 Oranges have the highest amount of vitamin C. There is a seat recruitment and this type of fruit of vitamin C is a good source. Orange is a natural antioxidant and also increases immunity.

  Benefits of orange peel.

 Everyone likes to eat orange.  It is such a vitamin C fruit that benefits your body in many ways.  It contains high amount of fiber which strengthens your digestive power.  You can use orange peel in many ways, it has many benefits.

1. Orange peel is used to ward off mosquitoes.  If you apply orange peel on your skin.  So you do not bite the mosquito, as well as by burning its peels, its smoke spreads, the mosquito escapes from that smoke.

  2. If you want to increase the glow of your skin.  So after grinding the orange peel and grind it and mix it in honey and apply it well on your skin, it will make your skin glow.

 3. If you want to make your skin blonde.  So after drying the orange peel, make a powder and mix curd in it and apply it on your skin, it will start turning your complexion and the skin will also start glowing.

 4. If you have dark circles under your eyes, then orange peel helps to remove these dark circles, for this you add raw milk to the orange peel and apply it under the eyes, so that dark circles of your eyes will disappear.

5. If you have dendruff in your head.  To remove it, you can use orange peel, first of all, dry the orange peel in sunlight and grind it.   Add curd to it and apply it to the roots of your hair, this will remove the dandruff of your hair.

 6. If you have spots on your face.  So, to erase it, after drying the orange peels, put rose water in it and apply it on the stain spots, it removes your stains.

The right way to eat oranges.

 You can eat this fruit in the morning or in the afternoon.  This fruit is beneficial at this time.  Juice can be consumed at breakfast, the orange is slightly sour.  So you should not take orange on an empty stomach in the morning. Eat orange after breakfast. Do not eat orange on an empty stomach. If you do this, it will be very beneficial for you.  People who do exercise should avoid consuming it at night.  You can consume this orange even after exercising, it will completely relieve your body's fatigue and provide energy in your body.
There are 2 ways to eat oranges.  Some people eat it directly after removing the skin, while some people remove white fibers and eat it.  Oranges are high in vitamin C, but people who eat white rice extract do not know that white fibers are also beneficial for your health.  The most important thing is fiber.  When you remove that white fiber from the orange, the fiber content in the orange remains 30%.  So whenever you eat oranges, if you eat with fiber then you will benefit a lot. 



some amazing nutritional fact about banana


 Banana is very nutritious like other fruits.  And it is also a good energy option, besides bananas contain plenty of iron.  So that hemoglobin is made in your body and helps you fight against a serious problem like anemia.  Apart from this, bananas have many properties which are very beneficial for your health.  Bananas are rich in potassium fiber and magnesium due to which your body also gets many nutrients. Eating bananas increases the energy level and is also very beneficial for our body here.  Because it is full of nutrients,  which helps in providing energy to the body. 
The scientific name of the banana tree is Musa sepitiatum Pardisiaca. This tree belongs to the family Musaceae __.

Nutrition present in banana.

Bananas contain     105 calories 
carbohydrate         23 gm  
  •        Dietary fiber 2.6 g
  •        Sugar 12 g
Sodium                   Omg         
Cholesterol            O  mg      
Potassium              450 mg    
Vitamin A               1%
 Vitamin C              14%
 Protein                  1.3 gm

Benefits of  banana.

   1. Those who are helpful in thinning banana blood, people whose blood is thin, such people should not consume banana.  Banana intake dilutes the blood and conducts blood in body.  The magnesium found in banana reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood in the body, due to low cholesterol, blood circulation in the arteries is correct.

 2. Banana increases the strength of the body by increasing the amount of blood in the body.  If you eat banana and milk every day, a person becomes healthy and body becomes strong in a few days.

3. Banana helps in weight gain, it contains fiber content.  By mixing milk with banana or making a shake, weight starts increasing, if you consume milk and banana daily, then your body will start growing soon.

  4. Relieving Constipation Problems.
 Banana relieves constipation problems in the stomach.  Consume bananas with milk every day at bedtime, by doing this you will get relief from constipation and gas problem in the stomach.  Bananas contain fructose, so eating more bananas on an empty stomach can cause gas problems.

5.Relief from acidity problem.
  If you have acidity problem.  So it is very beneficial for you to eat bananas, in which case your stomach gets relief.  When you have acidity, you get a burning sensation in the stomach. Banana cleans the stomach.  Eating banana is beneficial on the problem of ulcers, eating bananas contains germs in the stomach, they die and you get a lot of relief from this problem.

 Benefits of Banana Peel

 1. If there is pain in any part of the body, by grinding the banana peel on the painful place, it provides relief.  Also, after biting a worm, grinding the banana peel at the place of irritation, the burning sensation disappears.
2 According to special sources, grinding the banana peel and applying its paste on the head for 15 minutes relieve headaches.  This is actually due to the tension arising in the arteries of the blood and the magnesium present in the banana peel helps to prevent headaches by going into the arteries.
 3. Regularly rubbing the banana peel on the teeth gives them shine.  Potassium, magnesium and manganese present in it helps in removing yellowishness on teeth.  And by doing this practice regularly, the teeth glow naturally.
  4. Applying banana peel on the skin, water loss in the skin is complete.  To use it properly, grind banana peels in egg yolk and apply it on the face and then wash it after few minutes, it will remove wrinkles and make the skin glow.
5. Rubbing the banana peel on the warts of the feet or hands and leaving it attached overnight does not cause a wart in that place again.  Mashing the banana peel on the same acne for 5 minutes is also beneficial.
 6. Banana peel contains an antioxidant.  Which protects our eyes from ultraviolet rays.  Also, if you feel tired, keeping banana peel on the eyes for 5 minutes is very relaxing.

Which people should not consume banana in which diseases.

 1.   Diabetes people who have diabetes problem.  Diabetes is controlled by eating bananas. People are not able to eat sweet in diabetes, but eating bananas fulfills their desire to eat sweet.  And they get plenty of nutrients, but if you consume more than the limit, then it can harm you.
2.   Who should not consume banana nor should people whose blood is thin, such people should not consume bloom. If your blood is already thin, then you should not consume bananas, it can harm you.
 3.   People who have migraine attacks should also avoid banana consumption by mistake.  Because banana contains a substance called tyramine.  Due to which the pain of migraine increases, the banana peel contains 10 times more Tyra mine than the kidneys.  That is why avoid eating bananas which have problems here. 
 There is fructose in the fort, so eating too many bananas and consuming it on an empty stomach can cause gas problems.

 2. Relief in lethargy or fatigue
 If you are lethargic and feel tired and you do not want all this, then you must eat bananas, it will provide you energy throughout the day.

Banana tree (hindu tradition)

 Banana tree is worshiped. This plant is worshiped during Kadali fast.  Banana leaves are decorated for Katha Pujan. In the story of Sri Satyanarayana, a pavilion of banana leaves is also made.  And banana leaves are also used in serving food.  Banana is offered to Lord Vishnu on Thursday and bananas are worshiped on that day, so you should not eat on this day. Banana tree is very important. Banana leaves are decorated with a lot and banana leaves are very useful for us.

Perfect time to eat bananas.

 All fruits which are  should be eaten in the morning  after breakfast.  This is better for them, but bananas should never be eaten on an empty stomach.  Eating bananas on an empty stomach can worsen your health, the amount of calcium in the magnesium blood in bananas can spoil the amount of magnesium.  This can lead to adverse effects on your cardiovascular system.  So you should avoid consuming it on an empty stomach.  Most people consume bananas before bedtime.  By doing so which is absolutely wrong, you may have a problem of cough or cold, cold.  So
 you should not eat bananas at night.

Most people consume bananas before bedtime.  By doing so which is absolutely wrong, you may have a problem of cough or cold.  So you should not eat bananas at night. 


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