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11 amazing benefits of orange

Orange is a very tasty and aromatic fruit.  Oranges are rich in nutrients like Vitamin C, iron, potassium, fructose, riboflavin, magnesium, and dextrose.  Oranges have the highest amount of vitamin C.  Here our immunity power has increased rapidly.  Orange works to enhance your health as well as your beauty.  The fragrance of orange is very good and its peel is also very useful for our body.  The best thing about oranges is that in this  fructose, detrose minerals, and vitamins provide energy as soon as they reach the body.  By consuming orange, our body remains healthy and our body gets healthy also protects us from physical and mental diseases.

 Nutritional value (Amount per 100 gm Calories 47)

 Carbohydrates                            11.54 g 
 Fat                                              0.21 g 
Protein                                         0.70 g 
Thiamine (vitamin .B1)               0.100 mg 0.
 Riboflavin (Vitamin. B2)           0.040mg                  
Niacin (Vitamin B3)                    0.400mg
Potothainin (Vitamin B3)             0.250mg
Folate (Vitamin B9)                     17 g     
Vitamin C                                      45 mg       
Calcium                                        43 mg          
Iron                                              0.09 mg                
Magnesium                                 10 mg      
Phosphorus                                  12 mg     
Potassium                                    169 mg      

Benefits of eating oranges.

 1. Relieving cold cold.
 Eating oranges during a cold is very beneficial.  Because it is high in vitamin C.  This vitamin C also cures diseases like colds and sneeze, which cause cold fever, they should consume oranges regularly.

2. Beneficial in improving blood pressure.
 Orange helps improve blood pressure.  Hosbridin and magnesium present in this fruit are helpful in controlling hypertension.  Therefore, people who have problems with blood pressure should include this fruit in their diet.

 3. Protection against problems like cancer.
 it helps in the prevention of cancer. Limonins present in it are cancer cells.  It does not allow them to flow.  By eating this fruit you do not have problems of liver and breast cancer.

 4. Beneficial for heart diseases.  
It is beneficial for your heart, the fiber, vitamins, C potassium, found in this fruit are very beneficial for our heart.  Those who have any problem from the heart, those people must take it.

5. Beneficial in constipation problem.
 occurs with many people, they have constipation problem.  So to end this problem, those people take many types of medicines.  But very few people know that you can avoid consuming oranges in this disease, here it removes your problem like constipation.

  6. Beneficial to the eyes
 It is beneficial in increasing your eyesight.  Because the amount of vitamin A in oranges is good, it is also the source of vitamin B complex which increases the amount of hemoglobin.

  7. Beneficial in increasing immunity power.
  It also strengthens your immune system.  If you want to increase your immune system, your body does not have the capacity to fight diseases, then you must take orange, it increases your capacity and provides energy in the body.

8. Help relieve fatigue.
 When you get tired very quickly.  So you consume oranges or provides energy in your body and keeps your body healthy and healthy.

 9. It also relieves depression.
  If a person is suffering from depression then he should consume orange or it reduces the problem like depression.

10. Remove stomach related problems.
People who have stomach problems like gas.  Orange cleans your stomach so that you get rid of this problem.

11. Beneficial in stone problem.
 It is very beneficial for kidney and orange is also very beneficial for kidney stones.  Eating oranges can also prevent this stone.

          ADDITIONAL BENEFIT                                                                                                               

Beneficial in eliminating the problem of Piles ( haemorrhoids ) 
Dry orange peel and make powder of it. Drink it daily with lukewarm water.  So the problem of Piles ( haemorrhoids ) is overcome.

 Oranges have the highest amount of vitamin C. There is a seat recruitment and this type of fruit of vitamin C is a good source. Orange is a natural antioxidant and also increases immunity.

  Benefits of orange peel.

 Everyone likes to eat orange.  It is such a vitamin C fruit that benefits your body in many ways.  It contains high amount of fiber which strengthens your digestive power.  You can use orange peel in many ways, it has many benefits.

1. Orange peel is used to ward off mosquitoes.  If you apply orange peel on your skin.  So you do not bite the mosquito, as well as by burning its peels, its smoke spreads, the mosquito escapes from that smoke.

  2. If you want to increase the glow of your skin.  So after grinding the orange peel and grind it and mix it in honey and apply it well on your skin, it will make your skin glow.

 3. If you want to make your skin blonde.  So after drying the orange peel, make a powder and mix curd in it and apply it on your skin, it will start turning your complexion and the skin will also start glowing.

 4. If you have dark circles under your eyes, then orange peel helps to remove these dark circles, for this you add raw milk to the orange peel and apply it under the eyes, so that dark circles of your eyes will disappear.

5. If you have dendruff in your head.  To remove it, you can use orange peel, first of all, dry the orange peel in sunlight and grind it.   Add curd to it and apply it to the roots of your hair, this will remove the dandruff of your hair.

 6. If you have spots on your face.  So, to erase it, after drying the orange peels, put rose water in it and apply it on the stain spots, it removes your stains.

The right way to eat oranges.

 You can eat this fruit in the morning or in the afternoon.  This fruit is beneficial at this time.  Juice can be consumed at breakfast, the orange is slightly sour.  So you should not take orange on an empty stomach in the morning. Eat orange after breakfast. Do not eat orange on an empty stomach. If you do this, it will be very beneficial for you.  People who do exercise should avoid consuming it at night.  You can consume this orange even after exercising, it will completely relieve your body's fatigue and provide energy in your body.
There are 2 ways to eat oranges.  Some people eat it directly after removing the skin, while some people remove white fibers and eat it.  Oranges are high in vitamin C, but people who eat white rice extract do not know that white fibers are also beneficial for your health.  The most important thing is fiber.  When you remove that white fiber from the orange, the fiber content in the orange remains 30%.  So whenever you eat oranges, if you eat with fiber then you will benefit a lot. 



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11 amazing benefits of orange

Orange is a very tasty and aromatic fruit.  Oranges are rich in nutrients like Vitamin C, iron, potassium, fructose, riboflavin, magnesi...

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