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how to lose body fat?

  Before knowing how to reduce body fat and obesity let's have some details about obesity Obesity is a medical conditions involving an abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that present a negative effect on health. Obesity is defined as having a body mass index (BMI) of 30 kg /m2 or more. The range 25-30kg/m2 is defined as overnight. A body mass index is a measurement obtained by dividing a person's weight by the square of the person height.

Obesity is further evaluated in terms of fat distribution around the waist (waist circumference).Men with a waist measurement of 94 cm or more and women with a waist measurement of 80 cm or more are more likely to develop obesity related health problems. Obesity is a chronic

medical conditions that increase your risk of disease and health problem particularly certain types of cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, osteoarthritis, infertility, irregular periods,non-alcoholic fatty liver.

Obesity can also affect your quality of life and lead to psychological problems such as depression, low self, shame, guilty and social isolation. Obesity is more common in women than in men. Obesity is a leading preventable cause of death worldwide with increasing rate in children and adults. In 2015 the estimate shows that 600 million adults and 100 million children were obese in 195 countries.

      !!!COVID-19 : Obesity may risky for health (affects your immune system) !!!! 

Causes of obesity

1.Obesity is caused by eating more calories than you burn through exercise

and   normal daily activities. As a result your body stores these excess

calories as fat. Common specific causes of obesity include In activity

having a sedentary lifestyle.


2. Unhealthy eating such as eating a poor diet of foods high in calories.


3. Lack of sleep this can lead to hormonal changes that can increase your


4. Genetics can play a rold in how your body converts food into energy and

how  your body burns calories during excersise.


5. Pregnancy sometimes weight gained during pregnancy may be hard

  to lose

eventually leading to obesity.


6.  Aging which can lead to a decrease in the amount of muscle in your body.

This decreased muscle mass less and slower metabolic rate making it easier

to gain   weight.


7.   Certain medication may cause weight gain or changes in the body composition,

such as insulin, antidepression, steriods and some form of hormonal



8.   Obesity cam sometimes be caused by sone certain medical conditions

such as -


- Polycystic ovary syndrome

- Prader -willi syndrome

- Cushing syndrome

- Hypothyroidism.

Major Symptoms of obesity

The symptoms of obesity is having a BMI of 30 or more. Obesity can be

categorized as-

BMI of 30.0 obese(class1)

BMI of 35.0-39.9 obese (class2)

BMI of 40.0 higher obese (class3)


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If your BMI falls in the obesity range ths doctor will review your family and health

history performance general physical examination recommended some tests.

The general physical examination may include checking vital signs such as heart

rate, blood pressure and temperature. The doctor will also check for other possible

obesity related problems.


Blood tests may be used to examine.

- Cholesterol and glucose level

- Liver function tests

- Diabetes screen

-Thyroid test.

All this information will help the doctor to determine how much weight you need to

lose and what health conditions or risks you already have.



The aim of treatment is to help you lose weight and maintain a healthy weight the

require changes in your eating habits and an increased physical activity.

Treatment options suitable for you depends on your level of obesity overall health

and your preference. Other treatment tools include.

- Behavior changes

- Weight loss surgery

-Dietary changes

- Exercise and activity

- Weight loss medication



1. Do regular physical exercise daily. Encourage children to eat only when

hungry and to eat slowly.

2 . Encourage children to drink water rather beverages with added sugar.

These include soft drink, sports, drinks and fruit juice.

3.  Eat whole grain food such as rice and whole wheat bread do not eat

highly processed food made with refined white sugar, flour etc.

4.  Don't eat food that are high energy density or that have a lot of calories

in a small amount of food.

5.   If you eat more calories than you burn you will gain weight . Weight

yourself on a weakly basis.

6.  Eat fresh fruits and vegetables do not eat more junk food like pizza,

momo's, burger it can cause large amount of obesity.




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