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omega-3-6-9 importance in our daily meal

Why and where we get omega ?

Omega’s are the vitally essential nutrients that our physical body needs .These are the healthy unsaturated fatty acids , which generally good for our health.


Fats like Omega-3 are the key group of polyunsaturated fats. There are three main omega-3:
  •  Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
  • docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) come essentially from fish, so they are also called marine omega-3s.
  • Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), the most common omega-3 fatty acid in most our diets, is found in vegetable oils and nuts (especially walnuts), flax seeds and flax seed oil, leafy vegetables, and animal fat,  particularly in grass-eating animals. The physical body generally uses ALA for energy, and conversion into EPA and DHA is extremely limited.
The most grounded proof for a helpful impact of omega-3 fats has to do with coronary illness. These fats seem to enable the heart to thump at a consistent clasp and not veer into a hazardous or conceivably lethal sporadic mood. Such arrhythmia cause a large portion of the 500,000 or more cardiovascular passing that happen every year in the United States. Omega-3 fats additionally lower circulatory strain and pulse, improve vein work, and, at higher dosages, lower triglycerides and may ease irritation, which assumes a job in the advancement of atherosclerosis.

 Why we need Omega-3 ?

  • Fight Depression and Anxiety
  • Improve Eye Health
  • Improve Risk Factors for Heart Disease
  • Improve Mental Disorders
  • Good For Your Skin

 Omega-3 fats are found in:

  • Fishes like salmon, mackerel, anchovies, sardines, arctic char and trout
  • Eggs (including omega-3 enriched)
  • Flax seeds and flax seed oil
  • Walnuts
  • Soybeans
  • Tofu
  • Canola oil
  • Fortified foods like some margarines, juices and yogurts


Omega-6 fats are also healthy unsaturated fats. Just like omega-3 fats, we'd like to urge omega-6 fats from food in our diet. There are four types of omega-6 fats:

  •  LA (Linoleic acid)
  •  ARA (Arachidonic Acid)
  •  GLA (Gamma linoleic)
  •  CLA (Conjugated linoleic acid)

 Why we need Omega-6 ?

  • regulating our genes
  • promoting immune health
  • blood clotting. 
  • rheumatoid arthritis and dermatitis

 Omega-6 fats are found in:

  •   soybeans
  •   corn
  •   safflower and sunflower oils
  •   nuts and seeds
  •   meat, poultry, fish and eggs


Omega-7 unsaturated fats are a class of unsaturated fats wherein the site of unsaturation is seven carbon particles from the finish of the carbon chain. The two most regular omega-7 unsaturated fats in nature are palmitoleic corrosive and vaccenic corrosive. They are broadly utilized in beauty care products because of their saturating properties. Diets wealthy in omega-7 unsaturated fats have been appeared to have advantageous.

 Why we need Omega-7 ?

• Increasing levels of HDL cholesterol
• Lowering levels of LDL cholesterol

 Omega-7 fats are found in:

  • Salmon fish
  • Anchovy fish
  • olive oil
  • macadamia oil
  • sea buckthorn oil


 Not at all like omega-3 and omega-6 unsaturated fats, which are polyunsaturated fats, omega-9 unsaturated fats are monounsaturated. Omega-9 Oleic corrosive is the most widely recognized omega-9 unsaturated fat and the most well-known monounsaturated unsaturated fat in the diet.Omega-9 unsaturated fats aren't carefully "fundamental," which means they can be created by the body. Indeed, omega-9 fats are the most plentiful fats in many cells in the body.

Why we need Omega-9 ? 

• Increasing levels of HDL cholesterol
• Lowering levels of LDL cholesterol

 Omega-9 fats are found in:

  •  Sunflower
  •  Hazelnu
  •  Safflower
  •  Macadamia nuts
  •  Soybean oil
  •  Canola oil
  •  Almond butter
  •  Avocado oil


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