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Do we really need vitamins and from where?

Vitamins is a natural atom that is a basic micronutrient  which a living being needs in little amounts for the best possible working of its digestion. Fundamental supplements can't be blended in the life form, either at all or not in adequate amounts, and in this manner must be gotten through the eating regimen. Vitamins are essential  substances in our diet and are requried in traces for proper growth, development and good health. 

Classification  of vitamins :

Vitamins  falls into two categories based on their ability to dissolved in fats or water. They are soluble vitamin  and water soluble vitamin. 

1. Fat soluble   - It can be stored  in our body like vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin C. They dissolved  in fat and can be stored  in our body. 

2.Water soluble  - It can be stored in our body.  Vitamin C,  vitamin B and they need to dissolve in water before our body can be absorb them. They cannot be stored and replenished daily. 

We will discuss about fat soluble  or water soluble. 

1. Vitamin A  -  vitamin A or retinol is fat soluble . It comes from beta carotene in plants. At the point when you eat beta - carotene, an enzyme in the stomach transforms it into vitamin A..  Vitamin A in carrots helps in night vision it helps you see in colour too. Moreover it helps us in growing a proper and a healthy skin..  A deficiency  of this vitamin leads to poor vision in dim light or "Night  blindness". 

The food items rich in vitamin A are remember that most of the yellow  orange vegetables like carrots, pumpkin, papayas and mango contain vitamin A. 

2.Vitamin E  -  vitamin E tocopherol is fat soluble.  This hard working vitamin maintains a lot of your body tissues like the ones in your eyes, skin and liver. It protects your lungs from becoming damaged by polluted air, and it is important for the formation of RBC. 

The food items rich in vitamin E are-

Vitamin E  is found in leafy green vegetables, egg yolks,  nuts, vegetable oil,  wheat germ. 

3. Vitamin C -  vitamin C is water soluble. It is chemically ascorbic acid.  Vitamin C helps to bond cells together helps in the use of  calcium by bones and teeth. It helps in wound healing and helps your body resist infection. 

The deficiency of vitamin C cause scurvy. 

Vitamin C is found in oranges,  limes, citrus fruit,  green vegetables, tomato,  grapefruit, guava, brocolli, strawberry. 

4.Vitamin B  -  Vitamin B is water soluble. There's more than one vitamin B.

B1     -     Thiamine

B2     -      Riboflavin 

B3     -      Niacin

B5     -      Pantothernic acid

B6     -     Pyridoxine

B12   -    Cyanocobalamin

Vitamin B helps your body to digest protein  and to oxidize food to produce energy. It helps in the formation  of RBC. A deficiency of vitaminB may lead to nervous discorders beri beri,  dry skin, moutg sores, anemia and poor growth. 

Vitamin B is found in eggs, liver, green vegetable, milk, meat,  curd, fish etc. 

5Vitamin D  -    we have two types of vitaminD have been found in the nature first is ergosterol.  Which havd been found in  plants which is provitaminD2 and 7 dehydrochloestrol which is provitamin called D3 found in the skin. 

Sources of vitamin D

Where it is formed in sun exposed skin and richest source is liver oil. 

Daily requirements 

Adults require approx.  100IU or  2.5 microgram. 

Whereas a pragent and lacting mother needs 400IU. 

Infants and children  - 200IU. 

Metabolic pathway of vitamin D. 

VitaminD is synthesis in skin from pro vitamin D3 that is 7 dehydrochoestrol in the presence of UV light and it is then hydroxilated to 25 hydrocicolicferol it transfer in the liver by 25 alpha hydroxylase enzyme and it is finally gets converted  into biologically active from of vitamin D in the kidney by means of enzymed called an alpha hydroxylase to form 1, 25 dihydroxy cholecalciferol which is calceterol called as active form of vitamin D. 


1. Increase  intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphate. 

2. Mineralization  of bones mediated by osteoblasts.


1. Rickets in children 

So in rickets  there is inadequate mineralization of bones before thd closure of epiphysis plate typically in children. 


And osteomalacla where their is inadequate  mineralization  of the bone and occurs after closure of epiphysis.

3. Renal osteodysptrophis

It occurs in adults.

Excess  of Vitamin D.

It taken in large doses (500-1000) times of normal requirements  for prolonged periods their are likes immediate effects as well as delayed effects. 

Immediate effects like,  thirst,  anorexia, constipation,  polyuria,  nausea and vomiting, diarrhea etc. And delayed effects ard hypercalcemic,  urolithiasis, metastatic calcification, sarcoidosis this is all about vitamin D.



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