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What is flu,what are its symptoms and how to cure it?

Influenza virus causes respiratory  disease  called influenza common known as flu.these are the  common disease that is caused by a virus and that causes fever, weakness body aches and breathing  problem. These viruses are capable of causing  a mild self limited upper respiratory  viral illness consistence with the common cold.

The virus is made up of inner cord of genetic material surrounded by envelope  it has several protein. Influenza virus especially  type A have an impressive  ability  to undergo changes in their antegenic envelope glycoproteins.

Major changes in these glycoproteins antegenic shifts typically  associated  with epidemics.

Minor glycoprotein  changes antigenic drifts (typically  associated  with more localized  outbreaks ). Influenza type C is relatively  rare and typically associated with only mild  symptoms.

Influenza  virus again divided  into 3 parts.

Influenza A

Infuenza  B

Infuenza  C

These virus can muted more the mutation more chances of spreading  and causing serious disease  that why they cause pendamic. Which occur in 1918 and last 1991 these can cause lot of fatality.

Symptoms :

  •        High grade fever.
  •        Cough and sore throat.
  •        Cold breathlessness.
  •        Body ache.
  •        Vomiting  and  diarrhea (children)
  •        Fatigue(tiredness)
  •        Runny nose

sometimes both of the flue common cold as well as swine flue cause the same symptoms arise initially they have mild running nose, mild headache, pain or body pains and mild fever these are the basic symptoms  of common cold.

Now if it become more or the fever are goes 103 degree or if the symptoms  progress very fast the fever goes more 103 degree and  the body pains the breathing  difficulty has been proceeding at a faster rate then we started  thinking  of swine flue.

What are complication  they can cause?

Most of these virus simple  common cold they can better 2-3 days or it can cause mild running  nose  its all right but its a flue  caused by influenza A ,  influenza B,  influenza C they can become serious disease lead to breathing problem  diarrhea multiple  problems they can finally taken by hospital.  We can identity these serious flues and can comeback to hospital.

What is seasonal flue?

The seasonal usually  the northern hemisphere  is different  and southern  hemisphere  is different  in southern  hemisphere  from the fall to spring or probably  from mid of august to february  this  is the time period  from most of the flue spread  their is a time where it is mild cold atmosphere  is so colder and people  let together  in crowds their is reason where more chances of getting this viral infection  during this period.

Now these spread rapidly and mutate that is a reason the spread  one person to another person can become serious  so flue virus are different  and they can cause serious disease.


Prevention best is to avoid places when their is lots of people , coughing, sneezing and get away from the people most of the time when person cough or sneezes e releases 20,000 to 30, 000 of these droplets  which can multi viruses.So these droplets  is once which causes infection.

  •        Cover nose and mouth with mask.
  •        Wash hand regularly with soap and water.
  •        Avoiding  crowded places.
  •        If ill stay at home.
  •        Keep distance  from those having flue like                symptoms.
  •        Drink plenty of water, eat healthy.
  •        Take adequate sleep and rest.
  •        Use face mask  when travelling.


·       After coming to contact with another person and  finally touches his face, nose, eyes, mouth the infection  gets spreads. So what we should do this avoid these crowded places it can be malls,  cinema hauls, theaters,  any places where their is lots of crowded lot of people  who have got infection.

·       Prevention is always  better than cure. We have vaccine. Vaccine cover most of the virus which can cause serious flue it is the best way to protect  our cells and it is always giving  a time period usually  in august or to july 4 to 6 week prior to the onset of the seasonal,  in seasonal where you can lots of flues.  So usually  we can protect ourselves. These virus spread  rapidly in the human body of 4 to 5 days in this period the vaccinated person is there usually  he does get a serious illness so it is always better to vaccinate your kids usually  less than 9 years or 10 years and more than 65 years. 

·       These are the group of people who can get serious  illness and we already suffer from cardio or respiratory problems these are the ones who should be vaccinated six months child 4 to 6 years or 65 years or older people theses are people who can get serious infection  they should be vaccinated against the flue and the virus can muted the year after year.

·       This virus muted can see to illness so you should vaccinated every year and the first time you vaccinate usually the kid 6 month older. We give twice that is 4 weeks or 6 weeks we give two vaccine and later on every year one vaccine so this is a best way to prevent them.

·       These virus can be prevented and treatment is available but treatment again is cost more in hospital admission so it is better prevent by vaccination.

·       We should always understand that these are  viral viruses they will not cure by antibiotics  so just prescribing antibiotics and self medicating with antibiotics will not help so better not give antibiotics  doing this stage and try to antiviral which is really required after  doctor prescription.











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