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why should we take lemon and what are the benefits?


Lemon is one of the best immunity booster as  it contains higher amount of citric acid, vitamin C. Lemon also provides anti-aging and immunity enhancing properties.Lemons are a fantastic wellspring of nutrient C and flavonoids, which are cell reinforcements. 
Cancer prevention agents assist evacuate with liberating radicals that can harm cells from the body. 
These supplements can help forestall maladies and lift wellbeing and prosperity. 

Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz) :-

Energy                        121 kJ (29 kcal)
Carbohydrates            9.32 g
Sugars                         2.5 g
Dietary fiber               2.8 g
Fat                               0.3 g
Protein                        1.1 g
Vitamin C                   53 mg


Calcium                      26 mg
Iron                             0.6 mg
Magnesium                 8 mg
Manganese                  0.03 mg
Phosphorus                 16 mg
Potassium                   138mg
Zinc                             10.06 mg

Do you know some important information about the fact of lemons.

1. Botanical name  - Citrus  limons
 2. Family (Kul)       -   Rutaceae
3. Common names  -   Lemon
4. Sanskrit name    -   Nimuk
5. Useful parts       -    Fruits

 Some Important Benefits of Lemon

1. Increases immunity power. 
When the digestion is good, the immune power of the body will be good, then the immunity power will increase, then all kinds of viruses, bacteria, fungal infections, we get diseases that too will not be a healthy body. In today's time too many people use lemons here. Our immunity increases power. Drink one glass of lemon juice daily, it will increase your body's ability.

2. overcome the problem of BP.
People who eat lemon and onion every day.  Those people do not have BP high, blood pressure problem, their body remains healthy and healthy. 

3. Relief from fever.
 People who have any kind of fever.  Put lemon and rock salt in a glass of water and heat it, it is very beneficial in any type of fever.  This reduces fever and does not cause tiredness in the body.

4. Eliminate the problem of pitt disease.
This kills the pitt  when the temperature in our body increases in summer, it controls that temperature, which also removes the problem of our bile. 

5. Remove the stench of the mouth.
Those who have bad breath.  It is very beneficial for them to rinse lemonade, tina and lemonade, it also removes bad breath.

6. Relief in hair problem.
Those who always have dendruff in their hair, take two - three teaspoons of coconut oil and mix two spoons of lemon juice in it and apply it well to the hair and then wash the hair with lukewarm water.  This eliminates the dendruff from the root, do it for 2 or 3 weeks.  Doing this will remove the dandruff of your hair.

7. Relief in dental pain.
 Those who have tooth pain always have yellow teeth.  So after adding lemon juice and adding a little salt, rubbing it well on the gums makes teeth completely white.  They start looking like diamonds and the gum pain in the teeth also ends.

 8. Relief from the problem of the heart.
 Lemon is beneficial for those people who have a heart problem, infection or cholesterol increases in the heart, for those who have high BP, it blocks HP.  It reduces increased blockages and increases good cholesterol and eliminates bad cholesterol.

9. Strengthening the nervous system.
It gives strength to our nervous system because there are a lot of vitamins inside it.  Due to which blood flows in veins well and BP is also under control.

10. Help with weight loss.
 People who want to reduce their weight on an empty stomach in the morning add lemon and honey in a glass of water, drinking lemon in an empty stomach in the morning reduces weight.

11. Relief from laziness and fatigue.
 People who have laziness feel more tired.  Sleeping quickly is very beneficial for them to sleep, drinking twice a day brings energy to the body and laziness ends completely and energy starts coming in the body.

12. Relief from throat infection.
People who have an infection in the throat repeatedly  lemon juice is very beneficial for them.  It contains a good amount of vitamin C. It is very beneficial by drinking half a lemon in hot water and adding half a teaspoon of salt to it.  It completely eliminates throat infection.

13. Remove the problem of nail damage.
People who have fungal infection in hands and feet.  And for them, the nails begin damage, for them, put lemon in water and heat them lightly, soak the hands and toes in water, or massage the hands and feet with a cotton dipped properly, the nails become in a perfect shape.  And the nails start to heal perfectly.  And the fungal infection takes over from the root, the nails start looking very clean and beautiful.

14. Remove the problem of urination
  Women and men who do not urinate openly.  There is burning sensation in the urine, they get fever due to infection.  Those people are upset, drinking lemonade is very beneficial for them, it does not allow infection and urine comes freely. 

        Have you ever wondered why the earlier people did not have diabetes , why did not BP, cholesterol, and all heart diseases.  If not, then think now because they used to take lemon squeeze and half piece of onion with food.  The reason for this is because lemons have properties to eliminate smoothness.  When you make any vegetable, we make it in oil. 
          When we squeeze lemon in the vegetable, it goes inside our body and gives strength to our liver, so that food is digested quickly.  Everything that is lubricated in food is digested, and if cholesterol does not increase, then where will it get frozen in the veins of our heart and brain.
           It works very well when we are not hungry, we are very upset,but what do we do if our vegetables are not liked?  It squeezes half a lemon in it, even the useless vegetable starts to feel good and becomes more hungry because the old people say what is the interest enhancer,  it increases the appetite in a very good amount.  Even though they eat food, whatever food they eat is digested, it does a very good job of digestion. 
          People who consume lemon also stay away from the cold. One lemon fulfills the need of a day's vitamin C. Almost every Indian believes in some domestic use of lemon.  To keep healthy and full throughout the day, drink one lemon juice and one teaspoon of honey in a glass of lukewarm water and drink it.  Bathing in a bucket of water mixed with the juice of one lemon keeps freshness throughout the day, to avoid cholera in the summer season, lemon should be mixed with onion and mint. 
 Benefits of drinking lemonade during summer season.

  • A few people say that lemon water has a wide scope of advantages, from weight reduction to soothing gloom.
  • In sufficiently high amounts, the different supplements in lemon may deliver these medical advantages. 
  • In any case, devouring lemon water rather than juice or soft drink may be gainful in light of the fact that it diminishes an individual's admission of sugar. 
  • Drinking a lot of lemon water can likewise help forestall lack of hydration. 
  • Would it be a good idea for you to follow the lemon detox diet? Discover here.\
  • In summer we get upset, we drink cold drinks and we drink different types of cocoa cola, ice water.  All these things cause a lot of damage to us, so you squeeze lemon in simple water and add a little salt and drink, it quenches thirst, but drinking here benefits our body a lot.
  •  Drinking lemon water keeps the body healthy and healthy.  Here the body removes the dirt.  And keeps the body clean and healthy Drinking lemonade brings energy and strength to the body.  This also increases our immunity power rapidly.  The correct way to get lemon.  Add a small amount of lemon to the vegetable, a man can take 10 grams to 30 grams of lemon juice throughout the day.  Like 10 grams in the morning, 10 grams in the day and 10 grams at night, if you squeeze half a lemon, then only 10 grams will be left, it will also save food and you will not be ill and your body will be healthy and healthy.


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